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  How to Create Your Online Marketing Video  

If you are ready to create your first online marketing video, you’re at the right place. Videos are the perfect way to promote your online business no matter what products or services you’re are marketing. Videos can be promoted on social networking site, your website, and on many other sites as it is an inexpensive marketing tool. Let’s get started. 

Getting Started 
The first thing you need to do before you start making your video is to prepare. Making it up as you go will leave you with a video that’s disjointed and hard for your reader to understand, so write out what you want your video to include. Also, keep your video short and focused on your message. It should not be more than 5 minutes long. The attention span of viewers isn’t any longer.

What are Your Goals?
Your first goal is to do a quality video that gets your message out and to do it in less than 5 minutes. However, what’s the message itself. Make sure you know what that is you are trying to tell and sell your viewers. Then make sure that you focus on it. 

Tools You Will Need
To make a good video it is important to ensure you have the necessary equipment to make a good video. Don’t worry, you don’t have to spend tons of money, but you will need a good webcam and microphone. If you are not going to be in your video, you will need to use still pictures that tie to your online business and what it is you are trying to sell. Make sure you choose good images. If you don’t have your images, there are lots of online images available to use. Just make sure that you are not used a copyrighted image or that you have contacted the owner for permission to use an image.

Brand Yourself
The video you produce will brand you and the product(s) or service(s) you sell. When your branding is successful, there are huge benefits to enjoy. This branding will lead to trust and eventually paying customers, so make sure the branding image you create is of the highest caliber.  

What are Your Keywords?
Many who take on the creation of a video completely ignore keywords. Don’t you make this mistake. Your tags and keywords are very important to your video because this is the main way people will find your video. Be very specific, make sure that you choose relevant keywords, and take advantage of the many free tools that can help you find the best keywords. 

Follow this setup procedure and you will be on your way to enjoying successful online video marketing.

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