If you are new to using online marketing videos you are likely excited to discover just how beneficial this technique is to building email lists and increasing sales. What some beginners are not aware of is the ability to actually supercharge those videos to maximize their effectiveness. Let’s look at how you can give your marketing videos a real boost.
1. Start by creating a campaign. If you want to get your videos notices, you will need to think beyond just standard videos that everyone is creating and showing. After all, if your video looks like everyone else, it’s going to blend in and it won’t get noticed. If you want a greater reach and you want more exposure, you need to generate a series of videos that are content rich, which you will publish regularly. This is going to create excellent synergy around the content you’ve created. It will also let you build on your brand identity with each video that you release.
2. Always make sure that you have a call to action. Whenever there is an opportunity to ask your viewers to take action use it, but it is especially important that you have a call to action at the end of your marketing video. Ask them to go to a website, ask them to sign up for your newsletter, ask them to visit your blog, ask them to comment on your video, ask them to complete a survey, etc. Whatever it is you want from your viewers, you need to ask.
3. Never ever make a sales pitch at this stage. There’s so much sales clutter floating around on the internet and you need to not get caught in this trap. Selling your products and services is fine. However, you should not use your video to do this. Instead, your video should discuss a problem, solve a problem, etc. It should support others.
4. Try to create videos that are different from every other video in your category or with your keywords. Make your video different, make it stand out, make it memorable. Create a video that viewers want to watch more than the competitions.
5. Put a great deal of attention into your keywords so that you make the best choices. Use one of the free tools that can help you with your keywords. You might also consider using keywords that are less common than the most popular.
When you supercharge your marketing video, you supercharge your results.
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